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Luis Alejandro
Jan 30, 20232 min read
Miller Maxstar 210 product review
Miller Maxstar 210 Welding Machine Review If you're looking for a compact, versatile, and powerful DC welding machine, then the Miller...

Luis Alejandro
Oct 4, 20222 min read
Too much argon will actually disturb your welding puddle
Did you know you don't actually have to set your argon pressure to max to accomplish a good TIG weld? You read that right, yes you, the...

Luis Alejandro
May 25, 20224 min read
Counting down the five welding industries you need to check out ASAP
These are the top 5 welding industries you need to check out now!

Luis Alejandro
Apr 13, 20223 min read
5 tips to deal with failing a welding test.
Failing a welding test isn't the end of the world, or your career, it's merely the beginning of it. So how should we deal with failing a...

Luis Alejandro
Feb 11, 20223 min read
Is this $8000 dollar machine the future of gas powered welders?
We went out and bought a new Lincoln 330MPX and this is what we found out.

Luis Alejandro
Oct 29, 20215 min read
3 things to consider before purchasing your first welding machine
Choosing what machine to buy is not easy.

Luis Alejandro
Sep 30, 20214 min read
Is a formal education in welding necessary?
What entails proper weld education? Over my years in welding I have met a wide variety of people; some have been welding inspectors,...

Luis Alejandro
Jul 27, 20213 min read
The numbers on welding electrodes.. what do they mean?
Welding rod confusion and how to differentiate between electrodes, rods and their uses and applications.
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